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Community Robotics, Education, and Technology Empowerment 

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Welcome to the CREATE Lab

The CREATE Lab is both a technology breeding ground and a community partner. It is this unique combination that enables a new form of local change: one that empowers the citizens to chart their technology future and, most important of all, their community's prospects for quality of life.

What We Do

The projects by CMU CREATE Lab exemplify a dedication to utilizing technology and collaboration to tackle societal concerns and promote various initiatives, including environmental awareness, enhancing classroom learning, fostering emotional well-being in children, and visualizing global and local narratives


Plume Pittsburgh

CREATE Lab has developed PlumePGH to integrate crowd-sourced data from SmellPGH with NOAA weather models and air quality monitoring data from regulatory and citizen-owned networks.


Smell PGH

Smell PGH crowdsources smell reports so we all can better track how odors from pollutants travel through the air across the Pittsburgh region.

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Communities Connected Network

Medication Adherence for Metabolic Syndrome in Hispanic Communities


Click below to learn about each of our partners 




Illah R. Nourbakhsh
5000 Forbes Avenue
Robotics Institute, NSH 3105
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213



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